First Responder

Comprehensive first aid and CPR skills for professional first responders or those training to become first responders. Course teaches the patient assessment model, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemorrhage control, and care for a variety of acute and chronic conditions. Participants will be engaged in dynamic training techniques including video, media presentations, skills demonstrations, practice sessions, discussions and scenarios based on real-life situations.

Topics covered

Duration: 40 Hours

Price: $550

First Responder includes:

There are no prerequisites for this course, however previous first aid courses and anatomy knowledge
will help with your success, as will reading and studying at home outside of course hours. Participants
must successfully demonstrate skills, practical scenarios, attend and participate in 100% of the course,
and achieve a minimum of 75% on the written, closed book knowledge evaluation.

This is the Canadian Red Cross First Responder course, and does not include EMA Licensing, which
would need to be applied for separately after an online written exam and separate practical